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"Self confidence" Blog Posts

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October 11, 2023

Accepting Praise – How to Own Your Achievements

There's a lot of advice on giving praise, but how can we accept it gracefully? Mind Tools' Assistant Content Editor, Alice Gledhill, explores why accepting praise can be so difficult.

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May 23, 2023

Self-Confidence: You Are What You Think You Are

It's natural to have a moment of doubt when you take that great leap into the unknown: a feeling new managers know all too well.

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March 30, 2021

The Storms That Shaped Us – #MTtalk Roundup

As we approached New York, the turbulence grew worse by the minute, and our plane was put into a holding pattern. Round and round we flew in that horrible weather, with no prospect of landing

January 22, 2020

From Circus Performer to HR Professional!

With strange times come unusual career moves. Find out how Laura Kelly reskilled and why.

May 29, 2018

Am I Enough? – #MTtalk Roundup

"The most important day is the day you decide you're good enough for you. It’s the day you set yourself free." – Brittany Josephina, writer and life coach About This Week's Chat: Feeling Like a Fraud Have you ever felt like a fraud at work? Do you think that one day, everybody will find out […]

April 12, 2018

Your Top Tips for Being More Assertive

"Ah, Keith, quick word. Late notice, I know, but I need that [insert complicated, dreary task here!] done before the weekend, not by the end of next week. Sorry." Terminator-style, my mind processes a series of responses: "******* typical! As if I haven't got enough on my ****** plate! I'll just reschedule my entire week […]


January 11, 2018

How Can I Stop Saying Sorry All the Time?

"Sorry Rachel, could I just interrupt briefly?" "Right, yes, sorry Aaron. Go ahead." "Sorry, I just thought we were working towards a March completion on this project? Sorry if I've got that wrong." Sound familiar? Saying "sorry" when we don't really need to can be a difficult habit to break. Perhaps you don't even notice […]

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September 28, 2017

Need Some Help Saying No?

They call them "the terrible twos" for a reason. Tell a two-year-old to put away his toys because it's time for a bath and you'll likely be subjected to a screaming "No." Let’s assume that the toddler's parents reprimanded him for his outbursts, then sent him off to his bedroom. But his behavior continued at […]

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