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November 16, 2023

Digging Into Conflict: How to "Play Nice" at Work

"It leads to what the author calls “assertive play” – not brick-on-skull assertive, but self-confident engagement, where people know they have things to contribute, and stake their claim."- Jonathan Hancock

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October 12, 2023

I Might Regret Writing This Blog 

"We can also make ourselves better with “at least” statements – acknowledging to ourselves that the outcome could have been worse." - Melanie Bell

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September 14, 2023

How to Make Good on Bad Habits

Changing your habits can actually make you a different, better version of yourself.


August 10, 2023

Triggers: How to Stop Rising to the Bait

"He’d also just talk over people, including me. And my reaction was not me at my best. I just sat there in a passive-aggressive huff. " - Simon Bell

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July 13, 2023

When Big Feelings Come to Work 

"It started with an ice-breaker. I found myself face-to-face with the head of the whole company. And as I started answering the question, I began to cry, right in front of him. " Melanie Bell

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June 15, 2023

Time to Focus on Our Dangerous Lack of Focus

"Stolen Focus" is a wake-up call. It deserves our attention – if we can spare it!

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May 11, 2023

Why Middle Managers Need Better Managing

"From below, he was a nightmare. Untrustworthy, evasive and weak, he would go weeks without speaking to any of us outside formal meetings." - Simon Bell

March 30, 2023

Blowing the Whistle on Fraud

"I fell for a false sense of urgency and the belief that some software needed to be updated. Sure, that does happen, but it’s best to check the email address before clicking." - Melanie Bell

February 9, 2023

Mission Possible: Saving the World

Unilever has rediscovered what its founders learned back in the day: treating people decently is good for business.


January 12, 2023

Nature Was the Mother of My Invention

"“The Alchemy of Us” highlights the value of innovating, but also of thinking critically about what we do and what its consequences might be." - Melanie Bell


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