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"Listening" Blog Posts

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July 5, 2023

Grief: Finding a Way Through

"You don’t have to have the answers, you don’t have to “fix” anything, that person may not want your opinion. It’s much better to regularly check-in, take time to be present and empathically listen without judgment." - Kate Peters


January 24, 2023

Surely You're Over That? – #MTtalk Roundup

"We can start with the question, 'What do you need me to do?' and respect their answer at the time. Let them know where you will be and BE THERE if they reach out. " @eriphar

September 14, 2022

Sports Coaching Business Lessons

Elite sport and grassroots sport inhabit different worlds. One's cutthroat and zero-sum, the other's full of positives for learning, resilience, collaboration, and self-confidence

October 14, 2021

Why Listening Should Be Top of Our Lists

All I wanted was to be listened to, for five minutes. I’d still have been out of a job. But I might have left thinking I'd been valued


June 17, 2021

Three Reasons Answers Are More Important Than Questions

Every question starts as an imperfect answer that stimulates curiosity in the world


March 27, 2017

My Boss Heard, But Was She Listening?

You are having a difficult conversation with your boss and are confident that he or she is listening closely – then comes the sting in the tail, "I hear what you're saying, BUT…" It dawns on you that she hasn’t been listening at all. In fact, as things stand, the opposite of what you would like […]

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February 21, 2017

#MTtalk: Is It Criticism or Feedback?

This is not the proudest blog post that I've ever written. But I feel that it's only fair to let you see my experience of criticism versus feedback. When I was younger, two of my character traits worked together to make me a very difficult person to work with at times. Those traits were perfectionism […]

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February 14, 2017

Is Feedback Just Thinly Disguised Criticism?

#MTtalk: Please join us! What: #MTtalk Where: Twitter When: Friday, Feb 17 @ 1pm EST (6pm GMT) Topic: Is It Criticism or Feedback? Host: @Mind_Tools About this week’s chat "Long after your words are forgotten, people still remember how you made them feel." – Maya Angelou The other morning my husband and I overslept and […]

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October 27, 2015

Dealing With People Who Don’t Listen!

Why won't they listen?! It can be exasperating when you're trying to communicate with someone, but you know that what you are saying is "going in one ear and out the other." You might be offering advice, or giving instructions on how to complete a task, but the other person has made up their mind […]

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September 1, 2015

What's More Important: Speaking or Listening?

I've mentioned in a previous blog about an inspirational poster that I have in my bedroom. It's called the Seven Steps to Happiness, and one of the steps is "Talk Less, Listen More." I'd like to think of myself as a good listener and, in many situations, I prefer to listen rather than talk. But […]

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