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"Communication" Blog Posts

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August 24, 2023

Communicating and Making Change: My Expert Interview With Sally Susman 

"The best leaders, the ones who make the most change, know that communications is not a soft skill but a rock-hard competency." -Sally Susman


July 31, 2023

Transparency: Tool or Weapon?

At work, we need to be as transparent as we can in all situations. That does not mean that we always have to let people know every single detail.


July 17, 2023

The Anatomy of Apologies

Being able to apologize sincerely, without getting defensive or huffy, is a sign of maturity and strength. It shows that you're not too big or important to be vulnerable, too.

July 3, 2023

Deadlines and Promises – a Mind Tools Coaches' Blog

"I'd overcommitted myself – only to find I couldn’t possibly deliver on everything I’d promised. I had no choice but to communicate the issue in the best way I could."


June 6, 2023

How to Use Body Language to Be a Better Leader – Tips From the Experts!

Bruna Martinuzzi speaks to body language experts, Joe Navarro and Anne-Maartje Oud, who share their tips on how to use non-verbal cues to help make your people feel at ease.


May 31, 2023

Am I a Difficult Person – or Is It Everyone Else?

"There are many irritating people out there: from the story one-uppers and interrupters to the lazy good-for-nothings, know-it-alls, and lip-smackers. In fact, you may even work with a few of them." - Rosie Robinson

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February 15, 2023

The Benefits of Being Multicultural

"The study shows that people who have spent time assimilating one or more cultures are better able to generate creative ideas" - Bruna Martinuzzi

July 25, 2022

Managing Presentation Nerves – Your Top Tips!

Check out our brand new video with Mind Tools' Content Editor/Writer, Jonathan Hancock, who shares his handy hints for putting on a great presentation – in spite of any nerves


April 14, 2022

Can Your Body Language Make You More Powerful?

"The study also suggests that persistently practicing these power poses can, over time, improve our health and wellbeing" - Lucy Bishop

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June 8, 2021

Building Connectedness – #MTtalk Roundup

"We are not hardwired for working/living in silos. Connectedness helps us cooperate and think better" – Yolande Conradie

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