Comments on: Mental Health – Let's Get Our Heads Around It Essential skills for an excellent career Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:26:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Naturefit India Thu, 03 Nov 2022 11:17:09 +0000 “Useful post” 👏❤️

This info was very much important and required to be discussed.

By: Jonathan Lipscomb Mon, 19 Sep 2022 18:33:16 +0000 Happy that this issue is finally being covered.

By: Midgie Thompson Thu, 13 May 2021 07:15:24 +0000 In reply to Jane.

Thanks Jane for sharing your thoughts. The language we use does indeed impact on us and how we view things and I agree that there is some stigma around the use of 'mental health'!

By: Jane Wed, 12 May 2021 12:50:58 +0000 This article was great. My curiosity is not just regarding this article but our society. Why do we continue to refer to the health of our brains as mental health. When one has a heart condition, it's called cardiovascular health. Why have we as a society not started calling it what it is "brain health". This may just help remove some of the stigma. We are truly talking about our brains not functioning at their best - just like that leg injury, heart condition, or thyroid condition. Just a thought.

By: Midgie Thompson Mon, 12 Oct 2020 06:54:58 +0000 In reply to Alan Simeon.

So true Alan! No one is immune to struggling with their mental health, just like with our physical health. Yes, there are certainly things we can do to strengthen our health, yet it's important to know when to ask for help!

By: Alan Simeon Sat, 10 Oct 2020 00:50:40 +0000 The worst thing one can do is say it cannot happen to me... The biggest mountain you will conquer is by admitting you have a problem and speaking to someone about it.

By: Midgie Thompson Wed, 07 Oct 2020 06:37:51 +0000 In reply to Abdeljalil Ouanaim.

I do hope that more companies become serious about supporting employee's well-being and mental health. Since this world-wide health situation with COVID, it has become even more important to pay attention to employee's well-being and, fortunately, it has become more accepted to talk about it.

By: Midgie Thompson Wed, 07 Oct 2020 06:35:59 +0000 In reply to Lobaba Alabbas.

Love how you expressed those thoughts! Acceptance and listening ... simple things yet can make a profound difference!

By: Lobaba Alabbas Tue, 06 Oct 2020 18:18:50 +0000 Showing empathy and listening to individuals going through a hard time is key, regardless of the term we are using, wether it's mental health or mind health, we are still labeling the person. If you put yourself in other peoples shoes and accept them the way they are, it will help you to focus on the positive characteristics and therefore bring the best out of them and yourself. Mental health should not be seen as an obstacle an employee must overcome, but rather a part of their identity that deserves acceptance and catering.

By: Abdeljalil Ouanaim Tue, 06 Oct 2020 16:30:41 +0000 Interesting article! Mental Health at work must be registered at the ethic chart of any engaged and responsible company. This will responsibilize mutually more the CEO and workers.
