Comments on: What Pride Means to Us Essential skills for an excellent career Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:35:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cindy Marie Vaillancourt (Canuel) Thu, 01 Jul 2021 19:37:40 +0000 I have always supported the LGBTQ+ - I believe it is the humane thing to do! I carry no judgment upon any race, sexuality, personality or a person's preference. LIVE and LET LIVE!! We can only be happy within ourselves when we live to be happy and not judge others because they are trying to do the same - BE HAPPY WITHIN!! I would not say that I am gay but that does not mean that I cannot love another of the same sex. When I fall in love, I fall in love with the PERSON and NOT their sex or culture, ect. WE are all individuals, unique in our own ways. No two people are alike. We are all connected.
WE should ALL be FREE to LIVE the LIFE WE CHOOSE and WANT.

I still have a hard time grasping at the thought that in 2021, that some people just don't understand or maybe, it is that they just do not want to. THIS IS a new era and it is time to change our thought patterns and behaviour, if we want to live a happier, more fulfilling, and peaceful life. LOVE is all that matters!! Compassion, knowledge and understanding is KEY, and this is the reason why I am sharing. Thank you for letting me speak my voice in this matter. SENDING Love to the whole LGBTQ+ Community everywhere!!

By: Sara Gavin Thu, 01 Jul 2021 14:13:27 +0000 It's important because I see young people live in some countries in a different world to the terrible world we lived in for being gay. We can't stop campaigning and celebrating difference till every citizen of the world feels valued equally for their protected characteristics and alternative life style choices.
